The specter of optimism is haunting West*. Yesterday the Emperor of Hope officially entered Oval Office. He has lots of demands to be fulfilled, none trivial. If I sound cynic, it harks back to my experience with Iran's reformist president, Mr. Khatami, who brought new hopes but proved incapable to live up to the expectations. Only time can tell if Emperor Obama can succeed or his widely praised clothes turn out to be non-existent.
* Borrowed from Marx' and Engel's Communist Manifesto: "A spectre is haunting Europe- the spectre of Communism."
Mehdi congrats on the birth of you new weblog.. I must say I liked and was ok with your lengthly posts of your previous blogs, but if u insist on being short and to the point, be my guest!
ReplyDeleteAs I was reading this short post, I kept looking at the clock to make sure it wasn't taking me more than a minute to read it (as you had promised) which caused to be quite the distraction and I had to read the post 3 times over to understand what u were saying.. so first try at this took my 5 minutes, but I hope to improve in the near future!
Happy blogging! I'll be visiting often :)